20 Mar 2011

sorry for my prolonged absence, i have both my art and drama exams so, so soon. 9 days till drama and 14 days till my art and i'm not prepared for either of them. i have drama rehearsals at school at 7.45am and then till 5.30pm, then i come home and do hours worth of art and then sleep. my life is incredibly unproductive at the moment!
however, here are some photos for the times that don't involve drama or art:
1. all my post i received in one day last week - a pair of dungarees, my VERY tasty graze box and my well awaited marie antoinette film poster! 
2. a little photo of my liberty tote taken in the imperial war museum's toilet. 
3. all i have been eating and drinking lately. camomile and spiced apple tea and lots of berries.
 4. the liberty print of the inside of my barbour jacket in photo 2. 

i'll be back here soon, i hope
much love


  1. I adore graze & dungarees, what a winning picture. Good luck sweetie! x hivennn p.s enter my giveaway?

  2. Ah such lovely photos. Everything looks so pretty! Dungarees? Looking forward to see you wearing them. Panda xo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i love your posts! you're sense of style is amazing. please post again soon!


  5. Your blog is beautiful,
    the photographs are like fairies, very dream like.

    can't wait for more posts!

    hope to hear from you*!

  6. i adore liberty and marie antoinette. your graze box looks delicious delicious and your dungarees are so lovely. xxx

  7. your blog is lovely, i hope you'd be back on blogspot soon.

  8. You have a really wonderful blog, please come back! I love marie antoinette especially the film, it's so frilly and pretty!

    Lots of Love,
    Lily from Red Brick Lipstick

  9. That tea looked really tasty!xxx

