23 Feb 2011

it's my birthday next week (i'm sooo excited!) and here's a little collage of everything on my birthday list. i've saved up half of the money towards my camera, finally, i'm useless at saving so it's purchase has been postponed for quite a while. other than that i'm wishing for lots of books, dvds and (wishingwishingwishing) a box of macarons. The Penhaligon's perfume would also be greatly adored but it has an extortionate price tag, shame as it's called Ellenisia and my name is Ellen. I had a little party inside my stomach when I stumbled across a perfume with my name! It smells gorgeous too. 

i'm currently on half term and , so far, have been to birmingham for a weekend, gone to see justin bieber's film (don't judge me, it's the hair) and ordered chinese take-away for an evening in with friends. tomorrow i'm going to Enchanted Palace exhibition at Kensington Palace and hopefully taking a trip to brick lane later on in the week. 

much love

p.s does anybody know of any place where i could find a dress suitable for marie antoinette party, very much like a tba dress? xx

12 Feb 2011

finally some photos of my new hair! it's growing at a ridiculously fast rate which i don't like. when i had long hair and wanted it to grow even longer, it doesn't but when i have short hair and want it to stay short, it grows at a supersonic rate! 
you can also see my new camel cardigan from zara kids that is so cosy. ohh and me realising just how much i resemble a grandma in pretty much every single sartorial situation. 

stripy top - topshop and camel cardigan- zara kids
collared blouse - american apparel, pleated skirt - topshop and camel cardigan- zara kids

my weekend hasn't been very eventful, i have lots of art to do and a maths mock to revise for and i'm working tomorrow.

hope you've all had lovely saturdays
much love

8 Feb 2011

how insanely perfect are these photos of kirsten dunst for Boy?! She's my absolute favourite and as well as all  the clothes being absolutely stunning and the setting so magical and child-like, these photos are exactly the sort of thing i'd end up doing if i was set free in a botanical garden:
lollipops on gold buggies, tea with elephants, hiding in ivy houses and prancing around in silly glasses with clipboards.

i think i might get a couple of these photos printed and put them on my clip board and in and around my room, they're just so lovely!

p.s this is the exact length and shape of my new hair that i have yet to show you pictures of (except I have a middle parting and a 'curtain' fringe). I promise I'll post soon! 
much love

1 Feb 2011

On Saturday it was my 'personal adventure'- a day of sheer self indulgence and loneliness. I got the train up to the V&A (very early) and had a little wander round. I was the only person in some of the exhibitions which was a little creepy but quite nice. My favourite new discoveries were the jewellery exhibition that sparkles because of all the diamonds, and the theatre and performance section with all the costumes.

I then went to Kensington high street and found this amazing t.b.a dress in the sale. According to the website it's a blouse but due to 'medium' being the only size left and me being a little over excited, i'm going to hem it up a little bit and wear it as a dress as, at the moment, it resembles a regal hospital gown in length combined with the colour!

My personal adventure was finished with an afternoon spent in starbucks with a caramel hot chocolate, writing in my journal, making lists, reading and thinking of all the cakes i should have at my birthday party!

it sounds so sad but i really do love being alone. 


ps i had all my hair cut short yesterday! it's madness, i think i'm insane for doing it but i might show you tomorrow!